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BARRISTON BRIEFS: Alternative Dispute Resolution

In the in our new series, Barriston Briefs, Joshua Valler discusses alternative dispute resolutions and how you can control the process moving forward and you can control the time. 



Sometimes the cost and the time involved in litigation can be daunting for anyone including the lawyers let alone the clients. So when I’m meeting with clients to devise the strategy and how to move their matter forward we try to think outside the box what can we do to help proceed your case in a timely and cost-effective manner? Lots of times what we do is we canvass the possibility of alternative dispute resolution and this is just a fancy way of saying mediation-arbitration or some other form of negotiated settlement. What we can do is we’ll meet with you we’ll look at the facts of your case we’ll see if this option is available to you and if it’s the best possible option we will work with you to devise a plan on how to achieve a settlement or resolution that’s both palatable to you the other side at a timely and cost-effective manner. This way you can control the process moving forward and you can control the time.
